Results for 'Nataliia Sergeevna Avtonomova'

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  1. Filosofskie problemy strukturnogo analiza v gumanitarnykh naukakh.Nataliia Sergeevna Avtonomova - 1977 - Nauka.
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  2. History, Structure, Explosion.Nataliia S. Avtonomova - 2009 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 48 (2):28-46.
    The author reappraises the legacy of Soviet philosopher of language Yuri Lotman and of his Tart—Moscow Semiotic School. She argues that he was neither a dissident nor a servant of the regime, and that he always remained a structuralist.
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    Derrida en russe.Natalia Avtonomova - 2002 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 127 (1):85-92.
    Recevoir l’œuvre de Jacques Derrida n’a pas la même signification selon les pays, et il n’est pas rare que cette réception prenne une forme inattendue. Aux États-Unis, il est lu et admiré, plus qu’en France ; en Inde , son nom est connu même de l’homme de la rue ; dans les coins les plus divers de la planète, ses séminaires..
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    Kulʹturno-istoricheskai︠a︡ ėpistemologii︠a︡: problemy i perspektivy k 70-letii︠u︡ Borisa Isaevicha Pruzhinina.N. S. Avtonomova - 2014 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN (Rossiĭskai︠a︡ politicheskai︠a︡ ėnt︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡). Edited by T. G. Shchedrina.
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    On the (Re)creation of Russian Philosophical Language.Natalia Avtonomova - 2001 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 12:83-94.
    Russian philosophy has always lived on translations. Difficulties in the process of creating a conceptual language used to be overcome gradually, one by one. Now, in the post-Soviet period after all of the locks had been opened, the accelerated development of Russian culture often causes us to assimilate deconstructivism before constructivism and some newer versions of phenomenology before Husserl. It brings about a cultural paradox which cannot be solved by habitual philosophical means. My point here is that Russian philology is (...)
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    Rassudok, razum, rat︠s︡ionalʹnostʹ.N. S. Avtonomova - 1988 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by V. A. Lektorskiĭ.
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    Sur le contexte de la philosophie contemporaine en Russie.Natalia Avtonomova - 2013 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 138 (2):165-170.
    Неопределенность общих параметров социальной ситуации в современной России нередко приводит в тупик работу рефлексивного самосознания. Западные читатели склонны интересоваться религиозной стороной русской мысли. Однако в ней есть также и вполне «светская» философия в своих классических формах - эпистемология, этика, политическая философия и др. Постсоветская философия в России характеризуется значительной открытостью к Западу и, в частности, к современной французской философии. Le caractère assez confus de la situation générale actuelle en Russie y engendre une atrophie de l’activité réflexive. Les Occidentaux s’intéressent souvent (...)
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    Traduction et création d'une langue conceptuelle russe.Natalia Avtonomova - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 130 (4):547.
    La traduction peut jouer un rôle fondamental dans la création des concepts philosophiques. C'est ce qui se passe depuis 1990 en Russie, après l'effondrement de l'idéologie soviétique. Mais le fait n'est pas radicalement nouveau. Dès l'époque de Pierre le Grand, Vassili Trediakovski travailla à créer en russe des concepts correspondant à ceux de la philosophie européenne. On rencontre un processus semblable à l'époque postnapoléonienne, ainsi qu'au début du XXe siècle. De nos jours, ce sont des auteurs comme Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, (...)
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    Moscou aller-retour.Jacques Derrida, N. S. Avtonomova, V. A. Podoroga & M. K. Ryklin - 1995 - Editions de l'Aube.
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    Psikhoanaliz I Nauki o Cheloveke Po Materialam Rossiisko-Frantsuzskoi Konferentsii "Psikhoanaliz I Nauki o Cheloveke" : 30 Marta-3 Aprelia 1992 G.N. S. Avtonomova & V. S. Stepin - 1995
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    Chelovek v mire znanii︠a︡: k 80-letii︠u︡ Vladislava Aleksandrovicha Lektorskogo.V. A. Lektorskiĭ, N. S. Avtonomova & B. I. Pruzhinin (eds.) - 2012 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN.
    Издание предназначено для студентов и преподавателей гуманитарных образовательных учреждений, специалистов и практиков в различных областях науки.
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  12. Fostering Sustainable Tourism in Global Economy.Nataliia Stukalo, Nataliya Krasnikova, Oleksandr Krupskyi & Victoriia Redko - 2018 - Revista ESPACIOS 42 (39):27.
    The study of the essence of the sustainable tourism, transformation of the modern functions of global tourism, rethinking of its basic principles made it possible to form the conceptual framework of the sustainable tourism. The conditions for promotion of the sustainable tourism to the world market and the factors of impact on its development in the global economy have been determined. The technique for calculation of the tourism sustainability index, taking into account the anthropogenic factor, was improved.
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    Mariia Kultaieva as a mentor in the journey of self-discovery.Nataliia Radionova - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 30 (1):312-313.
    Words of gratitude and deep respect for Mariia Dmytrivna Kultaieva from her colleague and student Nataliia Vasylivna Radionova.
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  14. Сходознавчий гурток наукма: Історія та сучасність.Nataliia Pavlyk & Maryna Mudrak - 2018 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 1:106-107.
    This report presents the activities of the Oriental Studies Circle, which was founded in 1993 and reborn in 2012 as a scientific and educational organization. Its aim is to do research in such areas as philosophy, culture, and religion of the countries of the Middle and Far East. The leading type of the circle’s work is the lectures made by specialists in Oriental studies, philosophers, representatives of various religious traditions, and travelers.
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    P. P. S. obversion: Is a real human being written?Nataliia V. Zahurska - 2020 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 62:8-14.
    This article considers the state of human beings in a post-postmodern conditions and focuses on obversion as one version of posthuman reality in polyversion, which is lusciousness. Obversion is regarded as a logical and at the same time dynamic figure of dis-identity and non-presence. Trying to find out if a real human being is written leads one to consider the relationship of real and written reality and the possibility of posthuman writing. Posthuman writing becomes apparent in tracks, traces, scars and (...)
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  16.  19
    The Problem of the Possibility of an Artificial Moral Agent in the Context of Kant’s Practical Philosophy.Yulia Sergeevna Fedotova - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (4):225-239.
    The question of whether an artificial moral agent (AMA) is possible implies discussion of a whole range of problems raised by Kant within the framework of practical philosophy that have not exhausted their heuris­tic potential to this day. First, I show the significance of the correlation between moral law and freedom. Since a rational being believes that his/her will is independent of external influences, the will turns out to be governed by the moral law and is autonomous. Morality and freedom (...)
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    International Experience of Personnel Selection in the Conditions of the Digital Environment, War and Sustainable Development: Social and Corporate Responsibility of Employers for the Non-Transparent Hiring Process.Nataliia Klietsova, Liudmyla Batsenko, Andrii Klietsov, Roman Halenin, Ivan Kravchenko, Maryna Ksenofontova & Yevhen Dorozhko - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:26-38.
    The article represents an attempt to outline ad systematize peculiarities of landscape and practices of personnel selection in the conditions of BANI-environment with the influence of continuous digital transformation, war conflicts, and sustainable development. General scientific methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization constituted the methodological base of research. It was revealed that one of the most successful vectors of personnel selection within sustainable HRM today is talent marketplaces.
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  18. ”Green” economy: from global concept to reality of local development.Nataliia Stukalo, Nataliya Krasnikova, Iryna Steblianko, Nataliia Meshko, Anastasiia Simakhova, Svetlana Gaponenko, Liliya Golovko, Olha Dzhur, Оlena Dzyad, Olha Don, Kateryna Zhylenko, Olha Zinchenko, Oleksandr Krupskyi, Maryna Lytvyn, Vyacheslav Makedon, Olga Michaylenko, Irina Privarnikova, Victoriia Redko, Vyacheslav Slivenko, Viktoriia Тaranenko, Tatyana Fedotova & Sergii Sardak - 2018 - Dnipro: Seredniak T.K..
    The publication was carried out on the initiative and assistance of the Project “Green Decisions of Business - Unity for Sustainable Development”, which is implemented by the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Organization of Employers, in partnership with the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council, the Dnipropetrovsk Investment Agency with the support of the Program for the Promotion of Green Modernization of the Ukrainian Economy, implemented by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH. The monograph is devoted to the study of various aspects of the (...)
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    The impact of religious tourism on the economy and tourism industry.Lidia Sergeevna Budovich - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):7.
    Today, tourism, with its distinct and unique features, has become one of the largest and most profitable industries in the world economy and has provided a platform for changes in geographical spaces. This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effects of religious tourism on the economic development of traditional settlements. The research method is descriptive and analytical. The independent variable is ‘religious tourism’, which is quantified by 10 components, and the dependent variables are ‘income’ and ‘employment’ in (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Promotion sustainable tourism in global economy.Nataliia Stukalo, Nataliya Krasnikova, Oleksandr Krupskyi & Victoriia Redko - 2018 - In Nataliia Stukalo, Nataliya Krasnikova, Oleksandr Krupskyi & Victoriia Redko, PROMOTION SUSTAINABLE TOURISM IN GLOBAL ECONOMY. pp. 253-266.
    Purpose is to substantiate the ways of promotion sustainable tourism in the global economy. Methodology - To determine the importance of the sustainable tourism factors, the hierarchy analysis method of T. Saati was used. The method of expert estimations has been used for determining the significance level of the tourism sustainability factors. Findings - The conditions for promotion of the sustainable tourism to the world market and the factors of impact on its development in the global economy have been determined. (...)
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  21.  18
    Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of state cultural institutions.Ruta Sergeevna Abramova - 2021 - Kant 39 (2):6-10.
    Today, for cultural institutions, in particular, for libraries, the issue of evaluating the effectiveness of their activities is particularly relevant. There is still no single assessment methodology that takes into account the interests of all stakeholders: outside experts, library managers and staff, investors and sponsors of library activities. The purpose of the study is to develop an integrated methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of state cultural institutions, taking into account the needs of all potential users. The scientific novelty lies in (...)
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    Arkhaika v mirovoĭ muzykalʹnoĭ kulʹture.Angelina Sergeevna Alpatova - 2009 - Moskva: Ėkon-Inform.
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    A systematic approach to product quality management at the enterprise.Daria Sergeevna Alyutina - 2021 - Kant 39 (2):16-20.
    The purpose of the study is to consider the main provisions of the system approach to product quality management at the enterprise and to formulate the need for a comprehensive assessment of product quality. The scientific novelty lies in the step-by-step consideration of all factors, principles and aspects of quality management that affect the quality of products, and the formulation of priority areas of activity on the basis of them on the way to the development of a quality management system. (...)
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  24. Inogo puti net.Elena Sergeevna Bruskova - 1968
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    Art Nouveau in the context of realism: Ilya Repin at the turn of two centuries.Olga Sergeevna Davydova - 2022 - Философия И Культура 1:1-10.
    The main subject of this research is the specificity of I. E. Repin's perception of the dynamics of artistic-aesthetic tasks formed under the influence of changing modernity. In view of this, one of the compositional centers of the research is the history of relationship that developed between I. E. Repin and the artists of the “first wave of symbolism” – members of the association “The World of Art”. Special attention is given to the question of perception of I. E. Repin (...)
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    Symbolism in the Russian visual art in the era of Art Nouveau: analytical overview in the light of latest research.Olga Sergeevna Davydova - 2021 - Философия И Культура 12:10-24.
    The subject of this article is the works of the Russian artists of the late XIX – early XX centuries in the context of problematic of symbolism and Art Nouveau, as well as the scientific foundation that has developed as yet in studying this topic. Research methodology is based on the conceptual synthesis of classical art history approaches towards the analysis of artistic material with the theoretical interdisciplinary methods of humanities, such as iconology and hermeneutics, as well as the contextual-associative (...)
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    Sculptural rhymes of Art Nouveau: on the visual poetics of symbolism.Olga Sergeevna Davydova - 2022 - Философия И Культура 2:1-12.
    This article is first within the Russian and Western art history to examine the concept of visual poetics as a separate subject of research. Based on the analysis of iconographic and theoretical searches of the masters of symbolism, which found reflection within the boundaries of expressive means of visual art, the author comes concludes on the poetic principles of symbolist artists as the fundamental sources of the formation of the style of Art Nouveau – a new sculptural language of the (...)
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  28.  16
    Development of empathy in music lessons in primary school as a factor in the formation of the sensory sphere of the personality of students.Maria Sergeevna Dyadchenko & Irina Ivanovna Topilina - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):255-261.
    The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the influence of empathy on the development of the sensory sphere of the younger school student in music lessons at school. The article focuses on the specifics of the formation of empathy, its connection with musical material. Scientific novelty lies in the substantiation of the purposeful development of the empathic sphere of children in music lessons, in the specification of its factors and criteria. As a result, the stages of (...)
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    The rehearsal process in choreography as an aspect of creative integration.Kseniya Sergeevna Kopunova - 2022 - Философия И Культура 8:1-8.
    The subject of this research is the rehearsal process in choreographic art. The object of the study is the comprehension of this process as a creative integration of an artist and a teacher-tutor. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the role of an artist, the preparation of a ballet dancer for a performance, gives examples of works of art that contribute to honing the professional skills of dancers. The author focuses on the importance of participation (...)
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    Voobrazhenie i rat︠s︡ionalʹnostʹ: opyt metodologicheskogo analiza poznavatelʹnykh funkt︠s︡iĭ voobrazhenii︠a︡.Lada Sergeevna Korshunova - 1989 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta. Edited by B. I. Pruzhinin.
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    Current trends in small business development in the Republic of Kalmykia.Ekaterina Sergeevna Kovanova & Nogan Viacheslavovna Badmaeva - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):23-27.
    The article examines the issues of modern trends in the development of small business in the Republic of Kalmykia. One of these trends is entrepreneurship, which actively uses ethnic, national components in its line of business. The purpose of the article is to study the ethno-economic aspects of modern entrepreneurship in Kalmykia. The main research method is an expert survey. A total of 12 experts were interviewed. The study was conducted in May-June 2020 in Elista. As experts, restaurateurs or owners (...)
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  32. Gnoseologicheskie problemy matematicheskogo znanii︠a︡.Irina Sergeevna Kuznet︠s︡ova - 1984 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
  33.  11
    Mindfullness and eco-consciousness as traits of the new generation of public leader.Irina Sergeevna Lagunova - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):126-130.
    In this article, the author raises the question of what we will understand by the social leader of a new generation that has witnessed a global world transformation characterized by the acute threat of nuclear war, the problem of environmental pollution and the preservation and development of life on Earth, and the degradation of human abilities due to the constant use of technology. The solution of these problems largely depends on the public leaders, so the study of the personality of (...)
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    On Efficiency of Implementing Bologna System and English as a Medium of Instruction in Russian Universities.Yulia Sergeevna Maximova - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):281-287.
    The paper addresses the topical issue of implementing the Bologna system in the Russian higher education since its entering the common educational environment in 2003 and that of English as a Medium of Instruction as a language of instruction in Russian universities. The article presents the analysis of the current sources on the topic surveying the data on EMI in the higher educational institutions in Russia and abroad. The data show significant advancement in the system of EMI in foreign countries (...)
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    National idea as a form of metaphysical cognition and reproduction of ethno-national relations.Vitalia Sergeevna Romadikina - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):188-193.
    The purpose of the study is to prove the national idea as a form of metaphysical cognition of the patriotic mechanism of reproducing ethnonational relations on the way to the legal state consolidation is not an independent phenomenon, but is directly dependent on metaphysical sociocultural representations and the specific feature of historical conditions. Scientific novelty lies in argumentation of patriotism is a national self-determination manifested outside, the origins of which are to a greater extent in the sphere of the irrational-mythological. (...)
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  36. S meshchanstvom nado borotʹsi︠a︡.Inga Sergeevna Runova - 1962
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    Improving the efficiency of the personnel management system in the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Buryatia.Natalya Sergeevna Timofeeva & Ivan Valerievich Ishigenov - 2021 - Kant 39 (2):101-106.
    The purpose of the study is to determine measures to improve the efficiency of the personnel management system in the civil service. The article highlights the issues of improving the personnel management system in the civil service, identifies the features of personnel management in the civil service, touches upon the moments of motivation and incentives for civil servants. The authors carried out a sociological study among the employees of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Buryatia. Scientific (...)
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    Polʹ Rikër: na "Eliseĭskikh poli︠a︡kh" filosofii.Irena Sergeevna Vdovina - 2019 - Moskva: Reabilitat︠s︡ii︠a︡.
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    Pedagogical conditions for the formation of educational mobility of schoolchildren.Aleksandra Sergeevna Zakusilo - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):244-247.
    The article deals with the concept of educational mobility and its role in the modern educational process. Due to the insufficient development of this concept in the theory and practice of school education, the author creates a universal structural and functional model for the formation of this skill, which is why special attention was paid to the complex of pedagogical conditions that can ensure the effective functioning of all elements of the system.
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    Decorative and applied art: the play of a creative person.Alena Sergeevna Zelenkina - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of the game and its presence in creative activity. The gameplay is presented as an important part of human life. The presence of both elements in a person's work shapes him as a "creative" and "creating" entity. The introduced characteristics are analyzed from the point of view of the historical context, where the concepts of a creative person and a person playing are equated to each other. Their similarity is established (...)
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  41. Problemy struktury v nauchnom poznanii.Olʹga Sergeevna Zelʹkina - 1965
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  42. Sistemno-strukturnyĭ analiz osnovnykh kategoriĭ dialektiki.Olʹga Sergeevna Zelʹkina - 1970
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    Partnership for innovation: the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (Bielefeld).Nataliia Shofolova & Olena Orzhel - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 29 (2):219-227.
    The results of the study visit of Ukrainian researchers of higher education to Germany with the aim of researching the implementation of innovations through university partnerships with businesses and local communities are analyzed. The report is based on an analysis of the work of the Fachhochschule des Mittelstands in Bielefeld.
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    Ukrainian Civil Society: Past Lessons and Future Possibilities.Nataliia Volovchuk - forthcoming - Studia Philosophica Estonica:176-187.
    In Ukrainian academia, the last decades have seen growing interest in the concept of civil society, which has been studied from different disciplinary angles. Commentators disagree on the level of development it has reached in Ukraine. They emphasize its absence in Soviet times, and the general lack of organizational initiative in contemporary Ukraine. In this essay, I show that, although these critiques of Ukrainian civil society are crucial for comprehending its historical evolution, the history of Ukrainian civil society can also (...)
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    New life of philosophical dialogue.Nataliia Reva - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (2):120-123.
    The comment emphasises the importance of adapting the philosophical dialogue to the new technological context. The author compares the use of dialogue in the research of the Kyiv Student Society of Oral History of Philosophy (STUIF) and the practice of The Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast, created by Jack Symes. It was found that the differences between their applications are (1) the purpose of the dialogues (purely educational in the case of The Panpsycast and cognitive and educational in the case of STUIF) (...)
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    Efficiency of mind mapping for the development of speaking skills in students of non-linguistic study fields.Nataliia Orlova - 2017 - Science & Education 26 (6):151-161.
    Teaching the art of profession-related communication to students of non-linguistic study fields allows instructors to explain their students how to keep up the conversation using facts, data, concepts etc. specific to the area of their future profession. It activates the acquisition processes as well as increases students' motivation to study. The formation of oral monologue speaking skills in students of non-linguistic study fields is one of the tasks within the course of Foreign ( English) Language for Specific Purposes.This process is (...)
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    Orality as an Element of Historicо-Philosophical Research.Nataliia Reva - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (1):29-43.
    In the current research, using methods of oral history of philosophy, oral communication (in particular, interviews) is considered only as a technical phase in preparing the final text. The author claims that the primary audio or video recordings of such an interview, an "oral draft," should be considered independent material. After all, the written text does not reflect the interlocutors' intonations; comparing the source material and the final text may become important for future researchers. After the transcribed and agreed text (...)
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    Oral History of Philosophy: Method, Methodology, (Future) Discipline?Nataliia Reva & Amina Kkhelufi - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (1):44-50.
    Natalia Reva's interview with Amina Khelufi, devoted to the status of the oral history of philosophy, modern research in this field and prospects for its development. This interview is an Appendix to Natalia Reva's article published in this issue of Sententiae.
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    Ecocritical Study of the Chornobyl Disaster (Based on Materials of Contemporary Literature of Fact).Nataliia Rozinkevych - 2024 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 11:204-225.
    The effects of humankind during the Capitalocene period caused planetary changes that resulted in the devastation and destruction of the Earth. The nuclear tragedy at the Chornobyl NPP on April 26, 1986, should serve as a constant reminder to society as it provided an example of dysfunctional totalitarian management. The topic of Chornobyl has become socially tiresome in recent years due to the trivialization of this large-scale anthropogenic, ecological, economic, and humanitarian disaster. The image of Ukraine as a hazard area (...)
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    Deng Xiaoping's Theory of Building "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics": Theoretical Reconstruction of the Socio-Political Content of the Concept.Nataliia Yarmolitska, Katherine Gan & Andrii Minenko - 2023 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 2 (9):73-79.
    B a c k g r o u n d. Deng Xiaoping is considered the main architect of socialist reforms and the founder of China's modernization theory. He mastered and developed the socialist system, trying to adjust it to the national conditions of China. Deng Xiaoping believed that it was by following the course of "socialism with Chinese characteristics" that China would transform from a poor country into a highly developed one. The article provides a theoretical reconstruction of the main (...)
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